Friday, 8 March 2013

Beautiful synchronicity

Sooo... the house sanding took a while but the painting started immediately and then the roof started to go on. Progress. 

Stan England did our house sanding. Thankyou. 

The colour is Athena - a Wattyl colour. 

Jones Roofing in action!

Monday, 4 March 2013

Back to the future.

Our bathroom has been featured in the Jatana Interiors blog so this will allow you a peek into the future. It's really amazing doing a blog backwards but I didn't want the end reveal to be so immediate that it would give the impression that renovating is a breeze. Really important to weather the storms, torrential rain, the 90 days of dry just as we laid grass etc. We are really happy with the bathroom, luxurious to use, easy to clean. Hardest part was deciding on the tiles. 

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Who lives here?

50's awnings are off. 

Boundary patrol done - fence post is where it should be. 

For every load of concrete out - a load of crusher dust came back!

Termite damage gone. 

The only inhabitants. Eggs in the light fitting - Geckos???

House is ready to be sanded - Ooo wee!

Ceiling cavity looks ok - but that roof will be replaced. 

Now you see it...
Now you don't!

Paint removal begins. 

Steam punk to steam.

A couple of weeks after settlement and the herb garden has been moved over in pots while the major works start moving from the Gantt chart to the yard. We were really keen to make the most of the sunshine and the space. 

Steam Punk clothesline
 We invited everyone around for a squiz and the kids were delighted with our big pile!

NB: all that concrete edging.What you can't see is how much
nut grass is lying dormant under all that concrete. 

Count the no. of Chinese Elms growing in the fence line. 

Approx. 24cubic meters of concrete - go little digger GO

The start of our Pizza Oven wood pile. 

Within a few days the worlds biggest turkey mound
had started to compost and magically STEAM.

Tuesday, 26 February 2013

How to start...

First remove battens and examine posts.. yep all falling over. 


Next get an asbestos skip on site. 

An industrial vaccum cleaner is handy.  

Turn off all utilities.

Determine stradgedy (Thankyou Frank Tanti) for removing shed - rustic but not staying. 

Give kids some dangerous tools and let them at it. 

Stack in neat piles for the ute driver to recycle or remove. Think that chimney may have another life.

Just the asbestos and slab to go. 

Yellow pages find me a tree lopper or two.

Love having a few men in high vis shirts around.

Bye Bye Chinese Elms - all 26 of you. 

Moment of truth - we paid for THIS!